Workshop: Nurture yourself with healing qigong, 11 Feb 2023

How magical would it be to discover an ancient healing art from China, which could help you to improve your overall health and wellbeing in the modern world? Absolutely amazing.

As a qualified instructor, I offer a rare, in-depth opportunity to experience the magic of qigong (pronounced chee-gong), a rejuvenating technique involving deep, meditative breathing and flowing movements that is 1,000s of years old.

At this workshop, and through the healing power of qigong, you’ll learn how to do self-care and to nurture yourself with:

  • Deep, mindful breathing to calm your mind and release tension from your body.
  • Gentle yet powerful movements to restore your energy levels.
  • Relaxing self-massage to soothe your aches and support your body’s healing process

Ideal for beginners.

When: Saturday 11 February 2023, 10am to 1pm (please arrive no later than 9.55am)

Where: Reremoana School hall, 15 Scotsmoor Drive, Wattle Downs, Manurewa, Auckland 2103. Refer to this map:

Parking: Plenty of free parking is available on the half-circle shaped driveway in front of the school.

Open to anyone aged 18+, who is seeking to rebalance and rejuvenate their body, soul and strength.

Cost: $75 per person (payable by online banking. The account number will be provided once you RSVP). Please refer to the cancellation policy below.

What to wear:  Comfortable, loose clothing that is easy to move in, and flat-soled shoes. Please also bring a jersey or hoodie to keep warm when we are sitting still for some of the time.

Please bring: Water bottle and a snack

Places are limited to just 12 people.

To RSVP, or if you have questions, please text Jocelyn on 027 493 9851 or use the contact form on the website:

 Who is the instructor?

Jocelyn Watkin has helped people of all ages and abilities to reduce stress and improve their overall health, fitness, balance and well-being with qigong and tai chi since 2003.

She is the founder and director of Kia Ora Tai Chi with extensive experience in teaching qigong and tai chi face-to-face or online for regular weekly classes, workshops and retreats, at schools, a medical centre and a retirement village.

She is registered as a group exercise contractor (with own choreography) with the New Zealand Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs), which is the recognised quality mark throughout Aotearoa/New Zealand. 

She is approved as a strength and balance group exercise provider with the Accident Compensation Commission and has numerous tai chi and qigong instructor qualifications. She also has a New Zealand Diploma of Teaching.

Testimonial: “I really enjoyed your style, Jocelyn. Friendly, caring, informative and non-judgemental. You made me feel relaxed and welcome. Thank you.” (Participant in the Stardome mini-retreat, March 2022)

What is qigong?

For thousands of years the Chinese have had a secret. A secret that helps to increase longevity, a secret that assists the body to heal from injury, illness and trauma.

That secret is qigong, a deep meditative breathing exercise that connects the mind to the body and helps with overall well-being and healing. 

How does qigong help your body to heal from injury, pain or illness? A number of clinical trials have confirmed that qigong is proven to increase blood oxygen saturation in your body. That alone is excellent for healing.

There are many different aspects to assist the body and mind to heal, such as:

  • Medical treatments and interventions
  • Sleep and rest
  • A healthy diet
  • Moderate exercise
  • Reducing stress.

Qigong can help and support the body with all of the above.  

Qigong’s deep, meditative breathing supports your parasympathetic nervous system (also called the ‘rest and digest’ system). The movements, when co-ordinated with your breath and awareness of energy can help you to slow down, relax and to release tensions in your body. This helps you to sleep well, too.

If your body needs energy to repair and heal from injury or illness, qigong breathing can help to increase oxygen level and flow (energy) right down to your smallest cell.

Qigong exercises will massage and stimulate internal organs, which can also help with healing.

Qigong is about releasing stress, not suppressing it.

To reduce inflammation, you need to reduce the damaging effect that constant stress has on your body. Qigong breathing can help you to let go of stress so you can settle your mind and body.

Healing is multi-faceted and we need a number of different things to help us to heal our minds and bodies and to recover from illness, injury and trauma. Qigong can support this process.

Find out more about the healing benefits of qigong:

Cancellation policy

The workshop must be paid for in full ($75 per person) to reserve your place.

All payments are non-refundable but, if you can’t attend, you can nominate a friend, colleague or family member to take your place.

Please do not attend this workshop if you have Covid or you have a cold or ‘flu-like symptoms. In this instance and if you can’t find someone else to take your place, you will be provided with a credit towards another Kia Ora Tai Chi workshop, retreat or class.

In the unlikely event that Kia Ora Tai Chi cancels the workshop, you will be refunded in full.

COVID-19 policy

Please do not attend if you are sick or have cold or ‘flu-like symptoms.

All participants will need to respect the need for social distancing at all times during the workshop. The venue is big and there’ll be plenty of room for everyone to spread out.  The massage exercises are all self-massaging. There will not be any paired exercises or touching by others.

The hall will be well-ventilated and hand sanitiser will be provided.

We will abide by the NZ Government’s health advice and regulations as they apply at the time of the workshop.

Jocelyn (the instructor) has been fully vaccinated for Covid-19, including with a 2nd booster.

To RSVP to this workshop, or if you have questions, please text Jocelyn on 027 493 9851 or use the contact form on the website: